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Transforming Schema Markup into a Knowledge Graph to Boost Web Visibility

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Harnessing the Power of Schema Markup Beyond Rich Results Many know Schema Markup for its role in enhancing web pages to achieve rich results, like special search engine displays with images, ratings, or other detailed snippets. But Schema Markup can do more than just increase search visibility. By creating a content knowledge graph, you can give your website a framework that improves how search engines understand your content, which in…
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6 SEO Practices That No Longer Work And What To Do Instead

By SEO No Comments
Keeping up with search engine optimization (SEO) can be challenging. As search engines evolve, some SEO tactics that once improved rankings are now obsolete and can actually harm your site's performance. Here’s a breakdown of six outdated SEO practices and recommendations on what to do instead. 1. Relying on Expired Domains Why It’s Outdated: Buying expired domains used to be a popular SEO trick, as some believed it could boost…
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